Today: Building Students’ Metacognitive Skills
Building Students’ Metacognitive Skills
Much recent pedagogical literature increasingly stresses the merits of reflective writing on the richness of students’ learning experiences. In fact, “Learning to learn” sits at the very top of the ˺ Graduate Profile, which states that “Students will become active and engaged participants in their own learning through the effective use of learning and self-motivation strategies to enable them to achieve desired educational results.” In this workshop, several teachers from both Arts and Sciences share their strategies for using self-reflections in the classroom, as well as the tangible benefits that these types of assignments have produced.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Interact with models of successful reflective writing assignments
- Establish hierarchy of learning objectives in your own assignments
- Look at strategies to increase motivation
- Personalise learning journeys for individuals in large classes
Date: Tuesday – February 18, 2020
Time: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Room: 3F.3
- Jeffrey Gandell, English
- Chris Whittaker, Physics
- Ian Cuthbertson, Humanities
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