New Faculty Orientation March 14
March 9th, 2022
Dawson’s New Faculty Orientation will take place Monday, March 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. It is designed to introduce new faculty to information about college services and procedures, teaching at the college level, and tips for engaging students.
The orientation includes asynchronous and synchronous components:
·   Welcome from the Deans and Directors of Dawson
·   Competency based education and the program approach
·   Academic integrity at Dawson
·   Faculty deadlines
·   Faculty roles and responsibilities
·   Classroom scenarios and discussion
·   Professional development opportunities
This event is open to all new Day and Continuing Education faculty with Winter 2022 workload.
Please register via this link:
Content for the orientation will be shared prior to the event via the RSVP list.
March 9th, 2022
The Dawson Active Learning Community (DALC), celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, has a few invitations for you. There are a number of DALC events scheduled over the March break. The sessions are all on Zoom and all are welcome: Tuesday (March 15) – Show & Tell: Share engaging strategies with other teachers and have…
Over at the Faculty Hub
March 9th, 2022
Difficult Conversations: Minimizing Harm/Creating Accountability – Attend this March 11th virtual workshop from the Dawson Creative Collective for Change
Unjust power structures can be challenged or reproduced in the classroom. Harms can be done, traumas triggered, mistakes made, shame inflicted and apologies given. The goal of this workshop is to work through the complexities present when an educator stumbles into the polarizing social issues of today. By exploring some cases of "cancel culture" in institutions of higher education and beyond, we are prompted to ask: are there distinctions to be made between giving offense and doing harm? Do good intentions matter? Can a defense grounded in the right to academic freedom seem dismissive? Is there room for mistakes and forgiveness?
Access this virtual workshop from the Faculty Hub website.
Over at the Faculty Hub
February 16th, 2022
- Blended Teaching and Learning Support Team Available for Departments or Individuals
This team draws on scholarship, best-practices and years of personal experience, and have a practical understanding of teaching in various disciplines and programs.
The members include: Catherine Braithwaite (History), Laurent Duval (French), Chantale Giguère (French), Daniel Goldsmith (Humanities), Einat Idan (pedagogical counsellor, Academic Development), Mark Mattei (Physiotherapy Technology) and Helen Stavaris (Business Administration).
Contact the team by e-mail or through the Faculty Hub Request Support form.
- Anti-oppression, Anti-racist, and Trauma-informed Pedagogical Support Available for Departments or Individuals
Contact Diana Rice or Azra Khan for help with pedagogical support, resources and funding for professional development, and/or to source a discipline-specific specialist.
February 2nd, 2022
Mercredi 2 février : Retour des midi-conférences virtuelles Le 2 février 2022, de 12h00 à 13h00, nous accueillerons Mouloud Boukala (UQAM – Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les médias, les handicaps et les (auto)représentations), pour une présentation des motivations et des enjeux sous-jacents au développement d’une base de données portant sur les (auto)représentations médiatiques du handicap…
Over at the Faculty Hub
February 2nd, 2022
- Turnitin, New Faculty and Ed Tech virtual workshops will take place in February. Check the Faculty Hub website for dates and times!
- The Dawson Active Learning Community is offering workshops all semester. Visit the DALC website to register!
- The Antiracist Pedagogy Project and Concordia's Centre for Teaching and Learning invite Dawson faculty to participate in a pilot study: Implementing Antiracist Pedagogy into Your Classroom. The pilot is low-labour and tailored to your specific course. They will customize implementation of an antiracist educational video, discussion question and/or assignment recommendations for your class and ask for your feedback. More Information
Dawson’s health students learning together through Interprofessional Education
February 2nd, 2022
³ÉÈ˺ÚÁÏ may be in the news this week because funding for a new pavilion was scuttled by the Quebec government, but the driving principles behind the need and purpose of the facility remain for an innovative, unique-in-Quebec Interprofessional Education Pedagogy (IPE) project.
Click Read More for an update on the IPE project from the team as well as some complementary information about the pavilion project.
Over at the Faculty Hub
January 19th, 2022
Upcoming Virtual Workshops:
- Moodle, Zoom and Lea Drop-ins
- Turnitin
Visit the Faculty Hub for dates and times!
Meet Elaine Gusella, Dawson’s new IVGD co-coordinator
January 19th, 2022
Elaine Gusella is living out her professional dreams as the new co-coordinator of the Independent Video Game Design (IVGD) AEC Program at ³ÉÈ˺ÚÁÏ and as a partner in Artifact 5, an independent video game studio.
Click Read More for the homepage news story.
Resources from Intercollegiate Ped Days 2022
January 19th, 2022
Thanks to Dawson colleagues who contributed to the success of Intercollegiate Ped Days  2022, which took place Jan. 12-14 online. More than 50 presentations were given and over 700 participants from the English-language CEGEPs attended. The theme was Systemic Transformation: Developing Our Inclusive Practices. Resources will be available for a limited time on the Linkr site: . The Linkr site is free but you need to request to join using your college email account. A selection of resources will also be featured on Dawson’s Faculty Hub site.
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Last Modified: March 9, 2022