Teaching Staff
Basim Assaf |
7A.14 |
4011 |
Michelle Baryliuk-Raimbert |
7A.16 |
4022 |
Nadim Boukhira |
7A.20 |
4018 |
Position(s): | Department Co-Chairperson |
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Jean-François Brière |
7A.16 |
4013 |
Position(s): | Department Co-Chairperson |
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Jeremie Choquette |
7A.16 |
4235 |
Rim Dib |
7B.19 |
4153 |
Maria Dikeakos |
7A.10 |
4009 |
Maxim Emelin |
7A.16 |
4693 |
Volodymyr Feshchenko |
7A.8 |
4025 |
Position(s): | Volodymyr Feshcenko graduated from Kiev State University in the Ukraine (Ph.D. 1987). He worked as an optoelectronic engineer and researcher in the fields of fibre-optic temperature sensors, semiconductor laser technology and satellite system software. Volodymyr has been teaching since 1997 in both physics (Dawson) and telecommunications (Institut Superieur d?Electronique). |
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Hélène Gaonac'h |
7A.10 |
4902 |
Diana Glennie |
7A.18 |
4076 |
Kibreab Haile |
7B.21 |
4028 |
Philip Lagogiannis |
Omar Melhem |
7B.21 |
4160 |
Virgil Muntean |
7A.24 |
4026 |
Hélène Nadeau |
7A.22 |
4021 |
Position(s): | D.E.C. from Le Petit Séminaire de Québec, BSc. (Physics) from Université Laval , M.Phil. and PhD.(Physics) from Yale University, postdocs at Saclay (France), Seoul National University (Korea) and McGill. My domain of research is the Theory of Elementary Particles. I have used bag models and skyrmions to explain static properties of hadrons, done calculations of probabilities of observing exotic particles at future colliders and worked on Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics. I have taught statics and mechanics, waves, electricity and magnetism, modern physics, strength of materials, a bit of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. |
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Jamileh Naidj |
7B.19 |
4154 |
Marie-Pier Neault |
7A.16 |
4785 |
Alexandre Pronine |
7A.14 |
4029 |
Samad Rastikerdar |
7A.22 |
4020 |
Chris Roderick |
7A.10 |
4008 |
Jaime Sandoval |
7A.18 |
4016 |
Andrew Stewart |
7A.24 |
4024 |
Emmanuel Thibau |
7A.14 |
4236 |
Manuel Toharia Zapata |
7B.21 |
4017 |
Position(s): | Undergraduate in physics at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, MSc in
physics at UQAM, PhD in theoretical particle physics at the University
of California Davis, postdocs at the University of Michigan, Syracuse
University and the University of Maryland and research associate status
at Concordia University. My field of research is phenomenology of
particle physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). I have worked in
supersymmetric extensions of the SM but I am mainly interersted in
extra-dimensional extensions of it, in particular in the so-called
Randall-Sundrum scenarios where one highly warped extra dimension is
added to our usual 3+1 spacetime. Currently, I work on Higgs
phenomenology in this context.
I teach physics courses of the cegep curriculum, my favorite one being
waves and modern physics. |
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Joel Trudeau |
7A.20 |
4019 |
Chris Whittaker |
7A.24 |
4023 |
Position(s): | Program Co-Coordinator of Enriched Science |
| Chris Whittaker went to Heritage College (Cegep) in Hull Quebec and then studied Engineering Physics at Queen’s University (B.Sc. 1989, M.Sc. 1992). As an undergraduate he specialized in aeronautical and nuclear engineering and for his masters degree he studied how the apparent viscosity of nematic liquid crystals changes in electric and magnetic fields. Chris also holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Toronto (1996) and he has prepared two radio documentaries for the CBC program Ideas – including one about physics called “Size Matters” which originally aired in October 2002. |
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Non-Teaching Staff
Bin Cai |
7A.4-1 |
1760 |
Eric Desautels |
7A.4-1 |
1760 |
Norbert Kristof |
7A.4-1 |
1760 |