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English follows

Jorge Viana Lases, Tres Mar铆as

Iniciamos el d铆a con una pl谩tica sobre c贸mo hacer un peque帽o muro verde dentro聽de Dawson college, el peque帽o curso de h谩galo usted mismo por MARGAUX聽ISMAN DE MANTIS ENVIRONNEMENTALE, durante esta platica participamos de聽manera pr谩ctica en la construcci贸n de un peque帽o muro verde, el cual servir谩 para聽armonizar una oficina dentro del College, creando as铆 un ambiente laboral propicio聽para generar nuevas y excelentes ideas sobre la sustentabilidad en el campus,聽enhorabuena para el habitante de dicha oficina, ya que tendr谩 una parte de la聽naturaleza al alcance de sus manos.

A continuaci贸n se dio inicio el Panel de Discusio虂n, de Planteles Educativos聽Sustentables, dentro de este espacio acad茅mico de discusi贸n se abordaron las聽acciones que los integrantes del Proyecto hacen para promover la sustentabilidad en los mismos.

Comenzo el panel, la Coordinadora General la Dra. Gisela Fr铆as dio una peque帽a聽introducci贸n sobre el proyecto de Planteles Educativos Sustentables al p煤blico que聽de manera inquieta por conocer m谩s de este proyecto se dio cita en el salon 3F43,聽dicho recinto nos alberg贸 durante estos 5 d铆as, siendo testigo de este tan聽importante 4to Foro: Arar, Sembrar y Cosechar, Planteles Educativos Sustentables.

La primera participaci贸n fue de la m谩s joven integrante de la delegaci贸n mexicana,聽Casandra Venegas con el tema sobre las Acciones que realiza la Universidad聽Polite虂cnica del Estado de Morelos (UPEMOR) en Materia de la Sustentabilidad,聽primero nos dio un panorama general de c贸mo est谩 conformada la Universidad聽sobre su oferta educativa, coment贸 sobre el Programa ambiental que tienen desde聽el a帽o 2007, tambi茅n habl贸 sobre los compromisos ambientales que tiene el聽plantel, tiene una certificaci贸n de calidad ambiental, promueve la cultura聽ambiental, tambi茅n realiza acciones que no alteren el medio ambiente, tambi茅n聽coment贸 sobre el CECAM, Centro de Capacitaci贸n, Ambiental, Gesti贸n y聽Sustentabilidad, comenta sobre todas las acciones que hacen para el cuidado del聽medio ambiente y fomentar la sustentabilidad.

A continuaci贸n le toc贸 el turno al Mtro. Jorge Viana con el tema La Escuela聽Preparatoria Comunitaria de Tres Mari虂as, Universidad Aut贸noma del estado de聽Morelos (UAEM) como agente de cambio en Huitzilac, nos di贸 un panorama聽general sobre la Universidad, tambi茅n coment贸 sobre aspectos generales de la聽escuela, mencion贸 sobre los retos y logros que han tenido como integrante del聽Proyecto Planteles Educativos Sustentables, los cambios que han realizado聽dentro de su infraestructura para cuidar el ambiente, habl贸 de los proyectos聽sustentables que se realizan dentro de la misma y su relaci贸n con la comunidad,聽como fue el caso de la ayuda que dieron profesores de la escuela a damnificados聽de la zona de Tres Mar铆as como del centro y parte alta de morelos. Esto tambi茅n聽es parte de la sustentabilidad.

Continuamos con esa inercia de saberes compartidos y ahora era el turno de la聽Dra. Ruth Belinda Bustos, con el tema: la Sustentabilidad y los agentes de cambio:聽Caso de la UPN, inici贸 su pl谩tica d谩ndonos a conocer las caracter铆sticas generales聽de la Universidad Pedag贸gica del Estado de Morelos (UPN), en la cual se forman聽docentes para impartir classes. Comenta sobre las acciones que se est谩n聽realizando dentro de la Universidad, como fue el taller de la sustentabilidad y el聽jard铆n por la salud, que durante este proceso se gener贸 la vinculaci贸n con Dawson聽College, abord贸 temas sobre la capacidad de los ciudadanos activos, para聽organizarse y poder enfrentar, la indignaci贸n que les causa el presente y por聽consecuencia transforma su entorno social en la vida buena para todos; utilizando聽sus saberes, movilizando recursos y asumiendo un posicionamiento social聽propositivo.

Por 煤ltimo se realiz贸 la clausura a cargo de la Dra. Gisela Fr铆as y Max Jones, el聽mensaje que dieron nos da la esperanza que todo lo que se est谩 realizando esta聽bien, pero todav铆a falta mucho por hacer.



5th day of the 4th Sustainable Campuses Forum at 成人黑料


Jorge Viana Lases, Tres Mar铆as

We started the day with a discussion about how to make a small green wall at 成人黑料. The do-it-yourself course was given by MARGAUX ISMAN OF MANTIS ENVIRONNEMENTALE. During this talk we participated in a practical way in the construction of a small green wall, which will help to harmonize an office in the College, thus creating a favorable work environment which can generate new and excellent ideas about sustainability on campus. Congratulations to the inhabitant of the office, he will have a part of nature at his fingertips.

Next, a Discussion Panel on Sustainable Campuses was started. 聽During the panel, the actions that the institutional members of the Sustainable Campuses Initiative do to promote sustainability were discussed.

The panel began, the General Coordinator, Dr. Gisela Frias, gave a small introduction about the Sustainable Campuses Initiative. We all met to learn more about this project in room 3F43, the room that sheltered us during these 5 days, witnessing this important 4th Forum: Plowing, Sowing and Harvesting, Sustainable Campuses.

The first presentation was done by the youngest member of the Mexican delegation,聽Casandra Venegas, with the topic 鈥淎ctions that the Universidad聽Polite虂cnica del Estado de Morelos (UPEMOR) carries out in terms of Sustainability鈥. First, she gave us an overview of how the University and its academic programs. She commented on the environmental program that they have since 2007. 聽She also talked about the environmental commitments that the campus has made, its environmental quality certification, its promotion of environmental culture, and also about its actions aimed at not altering the environment. She commented on the CECAM; 聽Environmental, Management and Sustainability Training Center and on all the actions that they do to take to care for the environment and promote sustainability.

Afterwards, came the turn of Professor Jorge Viana who spoke about the Preparatoria Comunitaria de Tres Mar铆as, Universidad Aut贸noma del estado de Morelos 聽(UAEM) as an agent of change in Huitzilac. He gave us an overview about the University, also commented on general aspects of the school. He mentioned the challenges and achievements that they have had as members of the Sustainable Campuses Initiative, the changes that have in terms of the infrastructure and their work to take care of the environment. He spoke about the sustainability projects that are carried out within it and its relationship with the community. He spoke of the assistance that teachers from the school have given to those affected by the earthquake in the area of Tres Mar铆as, as well as the central and higher part of the state of Morelos. This too is part of sustainability.

We continued sharing knowledge and now came the turn of Dr. Ruth Belinda Bustos, with the theme: Sustainability and agents of change: the Case of the UPN. She began her talk by letting us know the general characteristics of the Universidad Pedag贸gica del Estado de Morelos (UPN), in which they form teachers. 聽She commented on the actions that are being done within the University such as the sustainability workshops and the health garden and how these were linked to a shared project with 成人黑料. She spoke about how these projects have strengthened the capacity of students to be active citizens, to be organized and able to face the indignation caused by our present and consequently be able to 聽transform their social environment into a good life for all; using their knowledge, mobilizing resources and assuming a proactive social positioning.

Finally, the closing ceremony was carried out by Dr. Gisela Frias and Max Jones, they聽gave us a message of hope and that everything that is being done is good, but there is still a lot that needs to be done.

Last Modified: October 4, 2018